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Heyyy Changemaker!

Got a question, or interested in consulting support or other ways we might work together? Reach out. You can also find an outline of some opportunities for us to work together here!


Contact Me

9 + 10 =

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you help me start my nonprofit?

There are many ways I can help you with this! I recommend starting with the educational content on my YouTube channel and Blog, and checking out my Idea to Official course that guides you through the steps to start a nonprofit – from refining your nonprofit idea up to what paperwork you need to file in the USA. If you need more hands-on support from me, feel free to submit a Consulting Inquiry – if I’m able to take on new clients, I’ll share a quote for consulting services tailored to your request!

Will you come speak at my event, company, school, or organization?

I love speaking to groups! Feel free to complete my Speaking Inquiry form and I’ll let you know if I’m available and we can discuss the details.

Can you raise money for my nonprofit?

I love supporting great causes, and I get requests to help with fundraising often. While I’m not able to launch a personal campaign to raise money for your organization, if you are in the USA, I’d be happy to consider ways I could partner with you as a consultant to help you come up with a plan for a successful fundraising strategy! 

I have a question I think you could cover in a YouTube video or Blog article!

Ooo, I love hearing your ideas! Share in the comment box above – if the idea fits, you might see it in an upcoming YouTube video or Blog article!